Jim Galiano | Help for Freelancers & Solopreneurs

What’s Working Now? Digital Marketing in 2018

Over the past few weeks I’ve received invitations from several “marketing gurus” inviting me to upcoming webinars. I noticed a theme running through most of these recent promotions. I’m talking about the “what’s working now” theme. It’s beginning to permeate its way through many online business circles. You see, what worked a few years ago…


Do You Need a “New” Online Business Model in 2018?

People often ask, “Do you think it’s too late to (fill in the blank)?” Usually the question goes along the lines of being too late to start a certain kind of business, sell a particular service or make “good money” following a certain path. I’ve always looked at business in the terms of supply and…

Jim Galiano | Help for Freelancers & Solopreneurs
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Online Business – Stop Comparing Your Business with Others

[wp_ad_camp_1] For years, I was a software junkie. If the product got good reviews I bought it. I didn’t just buy based upon what I needed. I also bought based upon what I might need a year or two down the line. This approach got kind of expensive but I rationalized it. I told myself…

Jim Galiano | Help for Freelancers & Solopreneurs

How to Beat the Marketing Madness Mindset

[wp_ad_camp_1] Sometimes you just have to get fed up and break the mold. I’m talking about the “inner-mold” that you’ve squeezed yourself into. That one that’s slowly sucking the air out of your business efforts. It doesn’t happen too much in the world of marketing because of fear. It’s similar to the fear of investing….

Jim Galiano | Help for Freelancers & Solopreneurs
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Dealing With Overwhelm and Focusing

[wp_ad_camp_1] There are a lot of moving parts in the online marketing world. If you find yourself overwhelmed with the options, maybe you’re trying to build something that’s not going to be a good fit for you in the long run? For example, if you’re happy being a Solopreneur and occasionally outsourcing certain aspects of…

Jim Galiano | Help for Freelancers & Solopreneurs
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How To Build A More Effective Web Presence

[wp_ad_camp_1] If you’re frustrated in your efforts to build a better, more effective web presence, you’re not alone. Some people might refer to a web presence as their “online presence,” or “Internet presence” – but they’re all one in the same. So, with the definitions out the way, let’s get right to the meat of…